7 Creativity Prompts for Kids · Craftwhack

7 easy and fun ways to get kids thinking creatively (not necessarily making more art, just looking at the world in a fresh way.

7 easy and fun ways to get kids thinking creatively (not necessarily making more art, just looking at the world in a fresh way.

Can nosotros all concur that kids are inherently artistic piffling beasts? Yes, I think we tin. Because they are, and they're beautiful, too. And funny. Kids are funny. Anyway, since I similar kids and I like creativity, and I write almost creative kids all over the identify on this blog, I am here to talk more about how to foster an overall artistic vibe in your kids.

I write a ton of art projects for kids, and hands-on ideas for jumping into creating, only inventiveness isn't ever hands-on. Much of the time information technology is a manner of thinking, a way of living and feeling and experiencing the world around u.s.a..

Your kids may end up HATING cartoon or painting and want to spend all of their time reading books about biosynthesis or throwing the old pigskin effectually, just if they besides learn to cultivate creative thinking, they will excel in all sorts of everything they do.

I accept some easy ideas on how to urge them in this direction- run into which ones your kids take to, and endeavour to think up some on your own. It's fun once you become started. In fact, these are really only open-concluded creativity prompts to get your kids thinking differently about their everyday.

ane. Pattern Thinking

  • Peruse your pantry: Look at the labels on your foods with your kids and pick out your favorites; your to the lowest degree favorites. What would you alter virtually a certain label? Would the motion picture be different? The writing bigger? Are the colors skilful for that jelly label?
  •  Take this i step farther and redesign a characterization for something (or everything!) in your pantry.

2. Describing

  • When you are out in a crowd with your kids, take turns describing a person you see- in consummate detail.
  • Don't forget colors, shapes, movements, accessories. Exist as descriptive as you can. You tin can plough information technology into a game by trying to guess who the other person is describing. If there aren't many people around, you can try this with objects: mailboxes, buildings, cars, etc.

3. Tree-Gazing

Sometimes when y'all expect at trees, their leaves appear darker against lighter objects and lighter against darker objects. Cool, right? Looking for this sort of matter will assistance train the eye to observe how light and colour affect how nosotros see items.

creative thinking prompts for kids

4. Paper and Markers

This is i of my favorite tips ever: leave a overnice stack of printer newspaper out at all times. Brand sure you accept a few pencils or markers well-nigh it. By placing a marking diagonally beyond the height of the stack, yous are setting a scene your children volition detect impossible to resist.

5. What Creature Are You?

  • This is a fun, creative game- talk about which beast each of your family members/friends would be if they of a sudden transformed. Base this on visual features/mannerisms/actions.
  • This gets your kids thinking and comparing visually. Plus, there are bound to be some giggles.



6. Beautiful produce

The next time yous are frazzled with your kids at the grocery store, step into the produce section and take in all the colors. Talk nearly the different colors, shades, shapes of the fruits and veggies. Bank check out that star fruit! Aren't avocados weird and bumpy? Carrots have long, light-green, stone star hair!

7. Colorful Wardrobe

  • Piece of work with your kids to pick out clothes for the twenty-four hours that are either:
  • Complementary (red with green, yellow with majestic, orange with blue.)
  • Different shades of the same color
  • Black and WhiteTalk about why they chose their colors and how they feel wearing them.

HEY! Desire a printable version of this? Download it right on this here link here.

What do you think?

Joanne Gonzales has a passion for getting creative. Whether she is making personalized DIY gifts or taking function in larger craft projects, she puts her all into making new and beautiful things.

She lives with a group of close friends and believes in the natural way of life. Joanne has built an outdoor arts and crafts gallery that overlooks the countryside in her hometown, which is where all of her creations come to life.

Art started off equally a hobby, merely over time Joanne has mastered her skills and sold some of her favorite pieces. She works full fourth dimension as a florist and has washed for many years. It helps go on her creative juices flowing and she hopes to one day open up her own florist shop with a twist.


Source: https://craftwhack.com/creativity-prompts-kids/

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